تصحيح الموضوع الثاني في اللغة الانجليزية شعبة الآداب والفلسفة BAC2014

مواضيع مفضلة

تصحيح الموضوع الثاني في اللغة الانجليزية شعبة الآداب والفلسفة BAC2014

      تصحيح الموضوع الثاني في اللغة الانجليزية 

                شعبة الآداب والفلسفة

Part One :
1/- True / false  :
(B) ----false
(C) ----True
2/finding  wich paragraph :
- (a) - paragraph ---04
-(b) - paragraph----03
3/ answering questions according to the text :
a. it can be misused when some employees use it to spread in appropriate websites or videos to collogues .
b. Diffrent ways to steal time from a company are :
_ comming late and leaving early .
_ running personal matters while travellling on a cmopany business.
_ spending time on Internet surfing without aim .
c. He can get extra financial gain unethically by being paid without giving any productivity as wasting time doing  other things
(a )---his  refer to ---employee .
(b)--- it refer to --- the company
 5/ choosing the general idea :
b- morally unacceptable behaviours may occur at work .


1/ matching the words :
3_( A)

2/ giving the opposite:
a- moral # immoral
b-  fair# unfair
c- responsible# irrespnsible
d- behave # misbehave

a. as long as you behave ethically your busniss will prosper.
b. It is hard to eradicate corruption so that it is widespread .
3. After the employees had stopped misusing the internet .the company 's productivity increased .

4/  the Prononciation :
peacticies  . manages ـ ـــــــ/IZ/
behaviours ــــــــ /Z/ 
takes ـــــــ /S/

 (1) ----Fight
(2) ----Time
(3) ----If
(4)--- integrity

 Part 02 :

choosing one topic and write by following the instructions giving.

                  your sister meryem wish you a good luck :) ♥  

إرسال تعليق

المشاركة على واتساب متوفرة فقط في الهواتف